Aviation in Switzerland

Grégoire Wuest

Switzerland and the European Union operate separate emissions trading schemes (ETS) and have signed an agreement linking these. The agreement requires approval by the Swiss Parliament. Once approved, the agreement will offer Swiss air carriers which operate flights from Switzerland to the European Economic Area or within Switzerland the possibility of trading with the corresponding emissions throughout the European ETS system.

The Cape Town Convention ratification process is still on hold and is unlikely to be completed within the next few years.

Regulatory framework

What is the primary domestic legislation governing the aviation industry in your jurisdiction?

The framework for Swiss civil aviation law is mainly contained in the Federal Aviation Act (FAA). The FAA is complemented by an application ordinance and numerous ordinances dealing with specific subjects.

What international aviation agreements has your jurisdiction concluded?

The Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation is the main act in civil aviation at international level. Complemented by technical annexes, it represents the basic agreement on aviation at international level. It also forms the basis for national civil aviation legislation.

At the European level, under the agreement between Switzerland and the European Union on air transportation, Switzerland has adopted the relevant civil aviation standards. In Switzerland, international law takes precedence over domestic law.

Which government bodies regulate the aviation industry and what is the extent of their powers?

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) is the primary body responsible for regulating and monitoring civil aviation in Switzerland. The FOCA aims to ensure the safest, best possible and most environmentally friendly use of the infrastructure, which includes airspace with air traffic control and aerodromes. The FOCA also supervises aviation companies, to which it issues operating licences based on a technical, operational and financial evaluation. As far as aviation personnel are concerned, the FOCA ensures that pilots, air traffic controllers and maintenance specialists receive the most comprehensive and up-to-date training or in-service training available. The FOCA inspects the technical requirements with which aircraft need to comply for safe operation. In addition to the supervisory function in the areas mentioned, the FOCA is responsible for the formulation and implementation of aviation policy decisions.

Air carrier operations

What procedural and documentary requirements must air carriers meet in order to operate in your jurisdiction?

Switzerland has implemented into national legislation EU Regulation 1008/2008 on the licensing of air carriers, which is thus directly applicable in Switzerland. In this respect, in order to be allowed to transport passengers air carriers must: