Everything you need to know about the new GOP health care bill

We have a new blueprint for health coverage in America. And with its new answers come new questions. After reading the House GOP legislation, here are some of the most important changes and unknowns.

What’s it called?
The bill is called the American Health Care Act. So AHCA. It is 123 pages, and you can download it here.

What does it do?
It’s not a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare. Rather, it repeals some parts and keeps others.

What’s repealed?

A nurse at a clinic in Boston gives a child an influenza vaccine injection. Photo by Brian Snyder/Reuters.

A nurse at a clinic in Boston gives a child an influenza vaccine injection. Photo by Brian Snyder/Reuters.

What is kept?

What is new?

Protesters gather outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Vista, California in 2015. Photo by REUTERS/Mike Blake.

Protesters gather outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Vista, California. The GOP health care overhaul would cut funding to Planned Parenthood and all health operations that offer abortion services Photo by REUTERS/Mike Blake.

What still needs answers?

Correction: A previous version of this article said insurers would not have to provide certain coverage, including no-cost preventative care. It’s been updated to reflect that such plans could go away at the insurer’s discretion.

Left: A copy of Obamacare repeal and replace recommendations produced by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives (left) sits next to a copy of the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare (right) at the daily press briefing Mar. 7 at the White House in Washington, D.C. Photo by REUTERS/Carlos Barria.

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Lisa Desjardins is a correspondent for PBS News Hour, where she covers news from the U.S. Capitol while also traveling across the country to report on how decisions in Washington affect people where they live and work.

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